Peer-Reviewed Publications
3. Okura, Keitaro, Amy Hsin, and Sofya Aptekar. 2025. “Heterogeneous Effects of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on Undocumented College Students’ Educational Outcomes.” International Migration Review 59(1):325-341.
2. Okura, Keitaro. 2022. “Stereotype Promise: Racialized Teacher Appraisals of Asian American Academic Achievement.” Sociology of Education 95(4):302-319.
Maureen Hallinan Graduate Student Paper Award, Sociology of Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, 2023.
Media Coverage: Education Week
1. Okura, Keitaro. 2021. “There are no Asians in China: The Racialization of Chinese International Students in the United States.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 28(2):147-165.
Select Works In Progress
Okura, Keitaro. “Americans without Americanness: The Racial Boundaries of U.S. National Membership.” Under Review.
Aristide Zolberg Distinguished Student Scholar Award, Honorable Mention, International Migration Section, American Sociological Association, 2024.
Graduate Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, 2024.
Okura, Keitaro. “Red and Blue Immigrants: Political (Mis)Alignment, Immigration Attitudes, and the Boundaries of American National Inclusion.” R&R at American Journal of Sociology.
Okura, Keitaro, and Sakeef Karim. “Disparate Boundaries of the American Creed.” Draft Available.